Saturday, December 10, 2011


久违了!自从参加姐姐的毕业典礼后就没有在写部落格了,而我也在忙着这个学期的功课和测验啊,什么都要赶!功课要赶,测验要赶,Lecture 要赶,赶赶赶幹幹幹~!

不过说到短学期(只有7个星期而已),有些许的不习惯是因为整个学期只有3个科目,还蛮轻松的,至于难度。。。。也当然没那么高啦!还是习惯考多多科的日子。不过在这学期MP被分配到和不是“很厉害”的组员一起做,唉。搞到我的CW不能看。。能怎样?只能做好自己的本分吧!其他的科目还好,目前为止尚且满意。压力不管怎样还是会有的,看你如何去应付而已。读不进脑了,去散散步看看星星或者你要打Tetris也可以但是!必须适可而止~ 压力释放出来了,在继续读也不迟!不然的话也可以看电影听歌轻松下。这些都是我在用的方法,虽然很普通但对我还见效吧。最近都在电脑面前读书 *叹气* 就是不让自己在床上读,会睡着~哈哈!不管啦读的进脑就好 ^_^ 最近UTAR的 Course Registration 换了个新系统,当人多的时候会出现30秒更新一次的画面,什么啊?!以前的还快叻,幹!搞到很多心急的都想把那雞巴的荧幕给劈成两半!不过我还蛮怀念以前我们一起7早8早爬起来去网咖争course的时光。那些年的我们还很懵懂,以为要早早去等才能拿到想要的时间。那些迟来的也不是一样拿到~ 

至于金宝的朋友们,很多都找到了哦~ =)希望你们能健康幸福快乐长长久久白头偕老~!看到了一位老乡好的部落格,对!轩,就是你啦!写的好长好长~看到我的眼睛都花了,不过你写的东西值得我花十五分钟去读 =P 有感动到哦~ 想不到追女孩脸皮要够厚!哈哈!谢谢你啦^^ 我还欠你一个人情的,去KL还你!  我都不知道几时才适合呢,要考虑到很多地方~ 别再问我几时ON了啦 >.< 随缘随缘(先别O零O我)~  希望你也能够赶快把脸皮充到厚厚的把她带回来见我们! =D  

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Candy's Convocation

After 3 years of hard work,
finally my sister graduated from University Kebangsaan Malaysia!!
My father and I went to her convocation held in this morning..
Early 5.30am need to wake up and prepare already,
then after that we had some simple breakfast near the
mamak stalls and we headed to our destination.

We reached there around 7.30am, and there were so many people!
Really "People mountain people sea"..
after that we took some photos before we were invited into the main hall.

Around 900++ graduates had been given a certificate in 3 hours time.
Including my sister also, and her friend (Hui Lee) as well.. ^^

Tiring day, but had fun too =D


Friday, September 16, 2011

Foundation Result Released

Yesterday UTAR Foundation's result finally released!
Fei Tucq, Raye and Bernard passed all of their subjects,
so happy for them!! 
Can see Bernard in the coming october intake le ! =)
Mamak On liao la!
sad case is,
One of our friend(Xin Yi) is not able to do so =(
quite worry about her
her mum still considering whether want to let her 
continue her study or not.
For me study is a must for us,
see what subject you study only
and most importantly,
you have to put afford on it.
Jia you xy!! 
We all support you here!!

Finish talking foundation,
now listen to me XD
Currently having final exam,
3 down, 2 to go.
So far..
I have no confident on the subjects I'd taken
yes although everyone was thinking
I'm the good one
thank you but I'm not actually
I'm still need some supports !
Nothing much I can say,
just the next two subjects 
really can kill me..
Database and English for IT
Database needs a lot of memorizing
English need a huge range of vocabulary 
lets see what the god want me to do bah.

Extracted from JYJ-Get Out

Oh baby. tell me Why you act so strange
But tonight, I don’t need a damn explain

I really need an explain from you,

can you?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Friday, August 26, 2011

Time passing really fast, we may not meet each other again .
Perhaps only say hi and bye~
But I'm glad to become one of your students.
Ms. Foo =D
Thanks a lot for teaching us !

Sunday, August 21, 2011


I'm tired, u're tired, everybody are tired.
Of course, its coming to the end of this semester.
Tests, assignments and also practical tests are like never ending stories.
Coming on and on and on~
Stress built up in my mind, perhaps yours too.
Take a break, we all need a break =')
Please .
Things just cant get right at the right time,
what to do?
I do believe in faith, maybe there's a reason lays underneath.
So, I shall just wait and see..hmm
why things like to be so complex?
can't it be simpler?
so that we can live a simple life as snow white and the sever dwarf do.
I'm sick of everything man!

p/s : she is tired, give her a break please =')

Wednesday, August 17, 2011



Thursday, August 11, 2011


而是这个 :)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Maybe I should just stop, I don't know what I want.
Guidance are needed.